ジカンノハナ展 開催概要

会期中毎日展覧会の作品が変わりますので、 何度も訪れても違ったものが見えてくる展示です。




Time blossoms
Days are busy. We run to catch the train; we gulp coffee without tasting it. When we were young and played with our friends, we sometimes forgot about time. When we forgot, we were content and it seemed as if time were increasing. So easily does time increase and decrease that time appears magical. When we face deadlines, time speeds up as if it were decreasing. Time moves at different speeds for different reasons including who we are, what we do, where we are, and how we are. The time thief too impacts our time. We are trying to discover how time works, using art to show its unique relationship to time. Art has the potential to show invisible time.

In our art, we display three levels of time. The first level of time, different from human time, is displayed in Tetsuro Kano’s work with plants as they grow during the exhibition. The second level of time is displayed in the process of creating art as Yusuke Asai works on his art during the exhibition. The third level is the time that exists in and around every piece of art you observe.

In their art Yusuke Asai and Tetsuro Kano humorously and creatively dialogue with the time thief, showing you time that you cannot see in daily living. You may even be able to see Yusuke Asai dialoguing in front of you as he paints during the exhibition. Please note that he will not be creating art every day during the exhibition. We are trying to recover time for ourselves like Momo did in Michael Ende’s fantasy novel, as she fought the men in gray to bring stolen time back to the people.
時:2009年11月6日(木)〜28日(土) 12:00〜19:00(月・火予約制)
場所:横浜市 黄金町 黄金スタジオA,B

お問い合わせ : jikannohana(at)mni.ne.jp

協力:黄金町エリアマネジメントセンターアーロン ランゲージ サービス試聴室L PACKアラタニウラノ
November 6 to 28, 2009 from 12:00 to 19:00
Reservations required for Mondays and Tuesdays
Kogane Studio in Koganecho
Artists: Yusuke Asai, Tetsuro Kano
Curator: Tomoko Tada
Grant Aid: Art Commission Yokohama 2009
Cooperative Assistance: Koganecho Area Management Center, Aaron Language Services, Shichoshitsu, L PACK, ARATANIURANO

ASAI blog:http://d.hatena.ne.jp/asaiyusuke/
KANO web:http://www.tkano.com/
TADA text:http://www.mni.ne.jp/~tada/rin/index.html